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Deeper Learning College Applications for the 21st Century

Online guidebook for college admissions in China, Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam to integrate deeper learning skills in the admissions process.


Why Deeper Learning?

With a quick search on LinkedIn, any person looking for job postings can see that employers have recently included some 21st-century skills in their job descriptions. Some more frequently featured skills on these postings are oral communication, written communication, collaboration, and problem-solving. They want proactive, hands-on people who work great in a team, but where are they learning all of these? In the United States, universities have been pushing for a liberal arts education where students can explore multiple majors before choosing one. Still, the case in East Asian countries is very different. 

From our empathy interviews with college professors in these 4 countries, many expressed that their students struggled to work in teams or write an argumentative essay by the time they entered college. As much as professors want to help students learn those skills, it is not easy for them to improve in a mere semester of coursework. All the skills mentioned above are part of the Hewlett Foundation competencies of deeper learning.


We are designing this website to guide universities in screening potential candidates who have obtained these skills in their high school studies.  


Our Mission

Our goal is to make deeper learning pedagogy the new standard for high schools, to prepare students for college, career, and life in the 21st century.

Our first step to achieving this goal is through implementing deeper learning college applications widely in China, Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam.

Theory of Change

We believe that change toward implementing deeper learning pedagogy in K12 education can be realized in small, but strategic steps.

Click on the button below to understand our Theory of Change which explains the problem, key activity, output, outcome, and the desired state, supplemented with the context and assumption.

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